Madayin: Eight Decades of Aboriginal Australian Bark Painting From Yirrkala at the Asia Society in NY, NY
These paintings are made by the Yolngu people on eucalyptus bark from stone ground ochre pigments using human hair brushes.
Mundukuḻ Marawili, “Ancestral Snake and Fish Trap Story,” 1942, Natural pigments on eucalyptus bark
“This shows a male figure with sacred designs painted on his chest.”
kirrwana Munungurr, “Gurtha” (Ancestral Fire), 2018, Natural pigments on eucalyptus bark
The diamonds are the tongues of the fire, and the white dots are the sparks that we see at night, when the fire is burning down.”
Gunybi Ganambarr, “Garrapara,” 2018, Natural pigments on eucalyptus bark
“A place where the deep saltwater meets the land, lined with shade trees.”
Dhuwarrwarr Marina, “Tilapia,” 2017, Natural pigments on eucalyptus bark
“He’s a man out in the ocean. He was singing and then turned into a rock.”