The Snow Goddess Saga
My niece Alexa wrote “The Snow Goddess Story” when she was twelve years old. She described a grand fight between Rain and Cold, complete with a referee and ten weapons that could only be used once. In the final battle, Rain and Cold ran toward each other, crashed and made snow. The Snow Goddess emerged.
I saved and cherished Alexa’s story. When she graduated from college I promised to make her a Snow Goddess. I envisioned a translucent figure created from tumbled glass and pottery pieces. Assembling the shards against a mound of clay, I carefully worked out the design. Though pretty, my Snow Goddess was static and lacked the action and excitement of Alexa’s story. But the clay mound, which bore the impressions of my repeated attempts to make the perfect Snow Goddess, had the qualities that I wanted. And so, once again, I’m reminded of the long and often convoluted route to creative resolution. Thanks for the inspiration, Lexie.
Alexa’s Snow Goddess Story
Once, a long time ago, rain and cold were friends.But, one morning rain said, you know, rain is the most important, because, I, rain, keep the plants growing.”
Cold disagreed. No, No, No. Cold is most important, because I, cold, keep the hot away, and the earth doesn’t burn up,” Cold argued.
So, Cold and Rain had a grand fight. Everyone came. Rain and cold each had 10 weapons. The referee said “You may use each weapon ONCE. Begin.” The fight was on! But, at the last moment, when both Rain and Cold had their last weapons, they were running toward each other. Then, Oh my god! Both weapons disappeared! And rain and snow crashed into each other! They made snow. And from the snow a girl appeared. She made it snow. And that is the story of the Snow Goddess.
Alexa Stevens